Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Ching known as a useful guide

From the fact that I Ching (Book of Changes) is one of the oldest books in the world, dating back nearly 5,000 years in which Chinese philosopher Confucius contributed appendices. From the recent years it has been republished from different language and which is base with Chinese system of Feng Shui. The necessary foundation of fortune telling through I Ching is on the idea of arrangement of the Yin (female) and Yang (male) principle in nature which are then interpreted to advocate a course of action for the seeker.

According to the crystal ball reader and I Ching user Larra Shah stated that, “It is a way of forecasting one’s future similar to the system of throwing cowrie shells in South India. Only here three special coins are tossed. One can do the I Ching for oneself, every day if one wishes though I don’t advise it. It can foretell your day-to-day life or what your week is going to be like if you do it on a weekly basis, though I myself do it once in about three months. It is a useful supplement for people who want something more personalized than a daily or weekly horoscopes reading and something that is unique to their personal situation.”

I Ching is very useful for guidance and assistance. There are many people who have strong fate in astrology  reading and divination has believed with this. In fact the present day flags of the countries of South Korea and Vietnam use trigram (three line) visuals that emanate from the I Ching.
