Friday, May 21, 2010

How Can Healing Crystals Help?

Crystal healing is one of the best ways to make you better physically and spiritually. It is a way to clear the chakras. Many people think that crystal healing does not have a scientific basis, but it actually does! Gems and stones have a certain vibration. Each vibration rates correspond to the different chakras of the body that need clearing. Our chakras absorb energy from the air around us. If one is blocked, it could seriously affect how you function every day. By clearing your blocked chakras, you can improve your mental and body functions.

Nobody really knows how crystal healing originated. Even earlier people used to do crystal healing using different amulets and stones. They are mostly used by those in the east. The great thing about crystal healing is that you don’t really have to do some sort of ritual. Unlike spell casting, the methods are extremely different. You can simply carry around a crystal with you and you will feel better. Quartz crystals work best as a healing crystals as it easily absorbs energy. It uses its point to direct energy to a certain area, concentrating it even further. Quartz is considered as a universal crystal. The best to use would be a clear quart that is uncut and unpolished for maximum results. It can also be programmed and reprogrammed according to the user’s intent. This means that you are not limited to just one kind of crystal healing.

You can easily get a crystal healing online. There are a lot of online readings which deal with healing crystals. Through the help of an online psychic, you can easily clear your chakras and improve your mental and physical help. Psychic readings are a great way to learn more about yourself, and to help yourself be the better person you can become. is the newest and fastest way to know your luck. There's a lot of website that had a better-quality skill when it comes to prediction. But people will think cautiously to find the top-quality and most truthful site, and that sooner or later they will ask advices for their career guide, love and happiness.


Tarot Reading on June 24, 2011 at 3:19 PM said...

Crystal healing is the use of crystals to bring about healing and positive changes in the mind and body. It increase mental, memory, focus and multi tasking abilities, allowing you to handle things much more efficiently. It eliminate anxiety, depression, stress, mood swings and receive deep inner peace. Thanks a lot.