Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ronald Reagan fate in Horoscope Reading

According to Mitch Horowitz, the editor-in-chief of Tarcher/Penguin and the author of "Occult America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation said that Ronald Reagan has a huge interest in astrology such as lucky numbers and horoscope compatibility.This devotion in divination had a lifelong influence on the 40th president of the United States.
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater acknowledged publicly in spring of 1988 that the power couple Ronald and Nancy Reagan were devotees of astrology and divination. Fitzwater also established the president’s penchant for “lucky numbers,” or what is sometimes called numerology number.
Reagan exposed the instantly recognizable spot of a little-known nevertheless extensively powerful scholar of occult philosophy, Manly P. Hall. The president outreach of esoteric spiritual wisdom has been developed. From the commencement address in 1957 the alma mater of Reagan Eureka College wanted to motivate students with this leaf from occult history. “This is a land of destiny and our forefathers found their way here by some Divine system of selective service gathered here to fulfil a mission to advance man a further step in his climb from the swamps.” Reagan said.
