Thursday, March 11, 2010

Is it Safe to develop your ESP?

Yes, if you’re responsible and serious about this. There are lot of websites that you can check that help you test and strengthen your psychics skills. Included are some links to some of the most recent scientific findings about psychic predictions.

It’s funny how people claim that they have an ESP. For example if they’re thing of someone then suddenly their phone rings and that person who’s calling is the same person she/he’s thinking. Like the movie A Very Long Engagement, the girl always base the reality whatever she’s doing like peeling an apple. If she doesn’t break the skin of the apple while shedding it, her lover is alive. Though it’s sounds comical but the movie is romantic and genius.

ESP can develop and strengthen above all with the help of the professional and good resources. Like in the Science of the Paranormal you'll learn how to tap into the subconscious mind through various techniques and tools - what they call "psychic levers" that stimulate the "Ideo-Motor Response (IMR)."

IMR, are the small changes in muscle tension in response to subconscious stimuli.

ESP, according to the Association for Research and Enlightenment, is "the ability to receive or send information not using the five senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell." It’s also known as the sixth sense and it generally consists of five categories:

Telepathy: Mind-to-mind communication
Clairvoyance: Seeing events or objects through an inner sight
Precognition: The ability to view events before they occur
Retrocognition: The ability to view past events
Psychometry: The ability to learn the history of an object by touching it might help you in some ways, the site promotes a great deal in clairvoyant and astrology reading. People can browse all the site services that can give enough information regarding with their inquiry.