Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kundalini Yoga and Expressive Arts for the Fifth Chakra and Thyroid

Hari Kirin Khalsa is a teacher of yoga and creative arts therapists offer workshops in Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts, 5th Chakra / thyroid. The program, called Kundalini yoga and art for the fifth chakras and thyroid gland, will be held from 3 to 8 January 2010. In the energy field theory, the fifth chakra is the energy center of self-expression, language teaching, communication and impersonating Dharma. The fifth chakra problems include uncertainty, fear of other people's opinions and decisions, and the throat, neck, and thyroid problems.

In this workshop, Khalsa will be teaching Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and creative work to stimulate, balance, and open the fifth chakras. The belief is that specific postures, breathing exercises, sounds, and deep relaxation can positively affect the thyroid and other glands, creating a sense of well-being and connection.
This program is designed for everyone with an interest in the spiritual healing power of yoga and the expressive arts. The fifth chakra is the energetic center of self-expression, language, teaching, communication, and embodying dharma. Fifth chakra difficulties include insecurity, fear of other people’s opinions and judgments, and throat, neck, and thyroid problems.

In this workshop, you will learn Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and creative work to stimulate, heal, and open the fifth chakras. Specific postures, breathing exercises, sounds, and deep relaxation can positively affect the health and balance of the thyroid and other glands, creating a sense of well-being and connection. Through the use of a variety of creative arts, these changes can be experienced and deepened.

You will return home with artwork and a yoga plan for ongoing practice.

Note This course is not intended to replace medical treatment but to augment it. Tuition includes eco-art supplies, including water-based paint, a brush, and paper.

CE Credits
This program is eligible for:
• 32 credits for yoga instructors (YA), $20 additional charge
