Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Robert Moss and the Healing Power of Dreams

Robert Moss is the pioneer of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of shamanism and modern dreamwork. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He is the author of Conscious Dreaming and most recently: The Secret History of Dreaming. He leads popular seminars all over the world and online courses.

Here’s an interview with Robert Moss an Australian-born historian, journalist and author and the creator of Active Dreaming, an original method for working with dream interpretations and imagination. Born in Melbourne (Victoria) in 1946, Moss survived several life-threatening bouts of illness in childhood and traces his fascination with dreaming from this time. Below are some of the questions answered by him. 

Q: I`d like to know what you see as the role of dreams throughout history with regards to healing!

RM: Well, you know most human cultures up until the modern era have valued dreams for a couple things in relation to spiritual healing. First of all, many people look to dreams for diagnosis of what`s going on inside the body. One of the ways to understand dreams is that they might be messages from inside the body - reports from the front on what`s going on there. 

Q: Do you think that`s there`s any distinction that can be made between physical health and spiritual health?

RM: Well people make the distinction all the time. Do I make the distinction? No. I don`t. I mean for me it`s a continuum. For me it`s a continuum. I mean there are people that report their emphasis on this or that. There are people for whom health revolves around exact conditions of the body. I notice, from my point of view, the body often adjusts remarkably well to the state of the soul - the state of spirit. 
